Chemical cocktail
trouve (en anglais)
sur la page « anagrammes
» de Mike Keith :
A Doubly-True Anagram
This one anagrams 30 elements from the Periodic Table of the Elements into 30 other elements (and all 60 elements that appear
in the anagram are distinct):
hydrogen +
zirconium + tin + oxygen + rhenium
+ platinum +tellurium + terbium
+ nobelium + chromium + iron
+ cobalt +carbon + aluminum
+ ruthenium + silicon +
ytterbium + hafnium +sodium + selenium + cerium + manganese + osmium +
uranium +nickel + praseodymium + erbium + vanadium +
thallium + plutonium
nitrogen +
zinc + rhodium + helium + argon + neptunium +beryllium + bromine + lutetium + boron + calcium +
thorium +niobium + lanthanum + mercury
+ fluorine + bismuth + actinium +silver + cesium + neodymium + magnesium + xenon + samarium
+scandium + europium + berkelium + palladium + antimony + thulium
But there's
more: if we replace each element by its atomic number (position in the Periodic Table), there is still equality:
+ 40 + 50 + 8 + 75 + 78 + 52 + 65 +102 + 24 + 26 + 27 + 6 + 13 + 44 + 14 + 70 +
72 + 11 + 34 + 58 + 25 + 76 + 92 + 28 + 59 + 68 + 23 + 81 + 94
+ 30 + 45 + 2 + 18 + 93 + 4 + 35 + 71 + 5 + 20 + 90 + 41 + 57 + 80 + 9 + 83 +
89 + 47 + 55 + 60 + 12 + 54 + 62 + 21 + 63 + 97 + 46 + 51 + 69
This is
the longest doubly-true anagram ever
constructed (using the chemical elements - or any other set of this type, as far as I know).
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